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No New Posts General Board

Do whatever you want here as long as it doesn't break the rules! Also, no rioting or ranting, it gets on my nerves. Other than that you can do whatever you want! This is a great place for fun games and polls that you have in mind. But, please, don't ask for your thread to be stickied because we mods and admins don't feel like looking through every thread and stickying it. Remember to have fun while posting in this board!

Moderator: Admin Account

10 27 Staff Applications
by Lightflight
Feb 9, 2012 14:36:14 GMT -5
No New Posts Rules

These are the one and only, official rules for Warriors World. You must read these before you post to avoid breaking the rules, getting a warning, or even getting banned. We aren't very strict here at Warriors World but if we see you breaking the rules we won't hesitate to talk to you. This is a must read for even the newest guest!

1 1 The Rulebook
by Admin Account
Nov 11, 2010 14:17:55 GMT -5
No New Posts Admin Board

This board is designed specifically for admins and mods to talk about the site. We will think of new ideas for it here, and just so you don't eavesdrop on us, members and guests can't view it! How great is that? The only reason for this is so nobody gets excited over something that might not happen. When you become a leader you will be promoted to a Moderator and be able to view this board.

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No New Posts Shops

This is where you can post your graphics shops. Members can post in the shop and request your work. If you don't want to accept requests, you can start a gallery. This is the board for anything having to do with graphics.

2 2 arts adoptable
by AX3Lbby
Nov 21, 2010 17:24:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Leaving

Are you leaving the site? Or going on some sort of trip? Well don't leave without telling us first! If you want someone to roleplay your cats while your gone you can put them in your thread but this is only optional! When you come back you can put it in your thread for everyone to see and begin roleplaying your cats normally again. Please post here before you go somewhere!

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No New Posts Make Your Cat

If you want to make a cat, post its profile here. All cats that you roleplay with must be made here and accepted before you can post with them. We will have admins and mods coming around to accept them as much as possible and to make sure you don't get impatient. Please, don't bug us, we will come around when we get to it. Remember, you must have your cat accepted before you may being roleplaying with it.

Sub-board: Accepted Cats

21 35 hollykit
by misskitty
Jul 21, 2012 20:52:07 GMT -5
No New Posts Logs

here is where you can keep track of your characters in one thread. please don't post in another's tracker log, it's rude.

Moderators: Admin Account, ---» Fang

1 1 {--- and this is how it ends
by ---» Fang
Nov 22, 2010 10:08:03 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Center

This is the board where you can find things to do with your cats besides just asking people to roleplay with you in the c-box. You can make thread for people to adopt your cats or have them mate with the other persons' cats. This is the perfect place for you to advertise your cats and get them an exciting new roleplayer or mate!

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No New Posts ThunderClan Camp

ThunderClan is considered the greatest of all Clans, or that is what we believe. StarClan favors us for our helpfulness and willingness to fight for others. We do not always follow the Warrior Code, but usually it is our way of life. Come to ThunderClan. Join ThunderClan. We are ThunderClan.

You pad into the forest in which ThunderClan resides in and you look around. It is rich in prey, with mice just waiting to be caught in every direction. Sun beams find their way through the think leaves above you, making the scenery look dazzling. Behind you you see the sun reflected on the lake, making it almost as beautiful as the forest. You decide not to stop for fresh-kill and pad on.

You hear the loud meows of warriors and tiny mewls of kits and realize your close to the camp. You peer in and see a small, but busy, civilization. A stealthy bramble walls guards the camp from any intruders, like you. But you are peaceful and are looking to join them. It is a very calming scene, to see so many cats working together in one alliance; ThunderClan.

You finally decide to pad in and are startled that the cats do not chase him off nor fight him. Instead, they take you in as if you were Clanborn with many welcoming mews. You, once a loner, feel at home with these cats, and feel that you are not in danger anymore. You do your share and are loved by so many of the cats from ThunderClan. Now you are a part of ThunderClan.

6 7 Leader's Den
by mistriver
Sept 21, 2011 8:37:12 GMT -5
No New Posts Deep Forest

Light filters through the think leaves above you, making the scenery beautiful. As usual, the prey is rich and its strong scent floods all over you. ThunderClan's main prey is mice, voles, thrushes, birds, and sometimes the occasional rabbit. Mice and voles are running frantically from side to side, as if something is after them. You are after them. You are the mighty hunter and they are the weak prey. You peer farther into the forest and its great length almost makes you think it goes on forever. This is a forest truly worthy of ThunderClan.

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No New Posts ThunderClan's Lakeside

ThunderClan doesn't use their side of the lake for too much, but when they do they can train apprentices here. When the time is right and the sun is setting, two cats, male and female, may come down here and fall in love. That is what makes this Lakeside special. It is also great for training apprentices. The rocks and moss and seaweed make perfect obstacles for the apprentices to adapt to, just incase they have to fight on another Clan's territory. Remember, down on ThunderClan's Lakeside special things can sometimes happen.

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No New Posts HighLedge

The sturdy rocks that lead to the top of HighLedge are imprinted with the pawprints of countless generations of cats. Unlike all the other places in ThunderClan territory, HighLedge is limited to only the highest in authority. Only the leader and occasionally the deputy may step up here. During attacks, though, any ThunderClan cat may take shelter here because none of the other Clans would even suspect that some defenseless cats would be hiding here. This is where the leader announces things for ThunderClan and holds ceremonies.

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No New Posts ShadowClan Camp

The lake has its different parts, each unique with its own features and inhabitants. The land around the two rivers has its fish and fresh scent, the hills are springy and have rabbits bounding across the grass, and the deciduous part of the large mass of trees is filled with squirrels. Then there's the pine trees, covering the northwest part of the lake. It's seperated from the deciduous trees by a creek, where two completely different scents roam on each side. Frequently, cats from the pine trees will come and replace these scents, making them stronger. After doing this, they hurry back into the trees.

Their journey back through the trees is peaceful, since none of the other cats from the other parts of the lake dare mess with them. Pine needles underpaw don't disturb the cats' pads at all. Their pads have adjusted and gotten stronger to protect themselves from the pricks of the needles from the pine trees. The same scent they have just replaced surrounds them, revolting to the other groups of cats, but refreshing to them. As they travel deeper into the pine forest, the trees get thicker, but the cats manuever through them with ease.

Soon, the cats reach a thick wall of bramble woven through the trunks of the pine trees and start padding along it, as if searching for something. Then, one of them disappears, as if swallowed, into the bramble. One by one, the other cats vanish, revealing a tunnel made through the wall of bramble. It winds, the same scent from the creek growing stronger, until the cats are in a large hollow, ground free of pine needles. Other cats are eating outside little brambl and bracken made dens, their pelts dark in the shadows. A milky scent comes from a den far away from the entrance, the mewling of kits piercing the air. One of the cats seperates from the returning group and hurries to a den through the roots of a large oak, where the leader of the large group of cats den.

Moderator: Admin Account

6 6 Leader's Den
by Admin Account
Nov 11, 2010 18:07:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Needle Clearing

A short distance from the camp, the trees break up to form a clearing. Pine needles scatter the ground, making it a bit slippery for non-ShadowClan cats. The cats of ShadowClan have pads that have adjusted to the slippery and pointy pine needles, making walking over them simple. This clearing is where mentors brings their apprentices to teach them the strategies ShadowClan use for battle. Occasionally, the leader will come to watch one of these training sessions, checking to see if they needs to make any new warriors for their Clan.

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No New Posts Pebble Shore

Far from the hollow where ShadowClan has made their camp, the pine needle earth turns into smooth pebbles that keep going into the lake. The pebbles closer to the water are usually wet from waves washing up against shore, which the ShadowClan usually avoid. They really don't come here at all, since they prefer their dark pine forest. Though, some cats come down and just watch the lake or maybe even wade in the shallow water.

1 3 in the MiDDLE of the NiGHT .|| hope ||.
by w a v e h
Nov 22, 2010 8:53:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Oak Branch

On the edge of the ShadowClan camp, there is a large oak tree that looks odd since the camo is in a pine forest. Among the roots is the leader's den, but there is a branch about halfway up the tree that has many claw marks from leaders in the past. The leader off ShadowClan scrambles up to this branch to make announcements or do ceremonies. The whole Clan can see them from below.

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No New Posts WindClan Camp

Welcome to WindClan, a fair Clan, comprised of lithe, speedy, and intelligent cats, who can hunt even the fastest rabbit as it bounds across the fields. The main prey here are rabbits, voles, and mice.

WindClan cats are very fast, and have long coats to protect them from the drafty area in which they live. They are just and have allied with ThunderClan in the past. WindClan cats believe in the Warrior Code and do not dare break it, for fear of angering their StarClan ancestors...
Unlike most Clans and their cats, WindClan cats like to sleep in the open, so the trees do not cover WindClan's camp, and Silverpelt stares down over the warriors as they sleep. If bad weather arises, the cats will scurry into badger's den or foxholes, but usually they are just out in the open camp.

All of the fields are filled with long grasses, which is the only way that the cats are able to hunt, for otherwise they would be spotted too easily by prey. The camp lies within a group of trees, which seem to be some of the only ones on the whole of WindClan territory.

WindClan borders ThunderClan territory and RiverClan territory, and the lake is very open to the territory, although these cats, unlike the cats of RiverClan, do not like to swim, so most of their accesbility to water is gone to waste. Most WindClan cats are glad that they do not share a border with ShadowClan, due to all of the problems that they have caused in the past. WindClan warriors are very diligent and do not like to stray around into other Clan's territory unless something is wrong and they have come to warn the other Clans about it.

The WindClan leader sits on the branch of one of the trees to make announcements to the rest of her Clan.

6 6 Leader's Den
by Admin Account
Jan 6, 2009 16:38:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Grassy Fields

This is the largest stretch of open territory that WindClan posses. It is unbroken by trees, and though prey can be scare at times, it is still good for hunting. Apprentices often train here to get used to the terrain, although sometimes they will train closer to the water or in the forest to be more versatile in their skills. This place serves little purpose other than for some hunting and training, because it has no crevices (other than the occasional foxhole or badger-den) or trees.

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No New Posts Broken HalfBridge

This is a broken dock that lies on WindClan territory. The cats here rarely go to this place because there is no food, it is not good for training on, and it is close to the Twolegplace. Occasionally, a curious young warrior will pad off to see what is out there, but it is rare and once they have seen it, they will usually go back to camp disatisfied, because there is really nothing much to see. Another reason that the cats do not like to visit here is because there is a road that leads off the Thunderpath that that touches the dock, which means that a stray monster could come down there, even though to date one hasn't. It is also rather rickety, so any cat who comes here may want to be careful of his footing.

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No New Posts Few Trees

This is a good place for hunting birds and such, because there are a few trees here in which they can land. This is a great place to come to train apprentices, because it gets them used to being on somewhat different land, as the other Clans might have. Sometimes apprentices will have contests to see who can climb the tree the fastest. Sometimes other prey will also come here, and WindClan cats will sometimes jump down from the tree and catch an unlucky piece of prey to bring back to the fresh-kill pile. It is a good place to hunt.

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No New Posts RiverClan Camp

The ground beneath you is soft between your pads. With every step you take, however, the earth becomes a little more solid. Puddles of water lay all around you, and tall marsh-grasses hide you from sight. You can hear the distant sound of water, trickling over rocks in the distance. Finally, you come to a clearing, sheilded from the world by tall cypress trees.

This is RiverClan.

Welcome to RiverClan, the Clan of cats who aren't afraid of water. There are plenty of water-logged places here, and the cats in this territory love it.

Fish are one of the main staples of these cats diets. In the fresh kill pile at camp, there are always a few fish there, although they are always eaten quickly, to make sure that they do not go rancid. Other prey types include rabbits, birds, and mice.

The terrain here is not very smooth, and some of the winds from the WindClan territory will blow into this territory, and it may make any cat who has recently taken a swim (whether on purpose on accidentally) a bit cold. In winter, the streams freeze over and sometimes clumsy apprentices with skid on it. However, most of the apprentices here are very agile and adept at swimming, and are considerably graceful.

6 6 Leaders Den
by Admin Account
Jan 6, 2009 16:49:58 GMT -5
No New Posts Crystal Stream

Water flows over the white rocks of the stream by the RiverClan camp, and little fish swim around inside. This is one of the best places for hunting, because many of the mice hang around here as well, and birds like to rest in the trees above the stream. Sometimes, cats will take their apprentices here to train, because there is a stream for them to hunt in and there are trees for them to climb. Mostly, though, this is a hunting ground. Occasionally, some cats will come here to gaze at the stars together from the trees, as the stream gently whispers along the rocks below.

1 4 age is just a number
by hope <3
Nov 25, 2010 13:57:56 GMT -5
No New Posts Greenleaf Twolegplace

This is the place in which Twolegs occasionally come in Greenleaf. Sometimes, precious herbs grow around this place. There is a halfbridge that leads out to the lake here, and often times Twoleg kits will jump off of it into the water.
Many a curious apprentice has come here to explore. Of course, their mentors warn them not to stray there alone, but let's face it, apprentices will be apprentices. They're mentors and parents just pray that the saying "curiosity killed the cat" does not apply to their precious sons and daughters.

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No New Posts Hidden Tree

This is also another versatile area. Some mentors will take their apprentices here to train to climb trees, if the other place is not available. Also, more mice reside here, and there are many more crevices for the rabbits to hide in here, and to make their home until they fall prey to one of the long-clawed cats of RiverClan. This is one of the more romantic spots in the RiverClan territory, as the upper branches are very private and cats can also come there to discuss matters. It is not very far from the RiverClan camp and the stream nearby it, though the ground is less marshy here and a little more stable.

This is also the place that the RiverClan leader makes announcements to the rest of the Clan. He sits on the bottom branch, where all the cats below can see him.

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No New Posts The Island

The Island is the only place where Gatherings are held. At each full moon all four Clans journey here, across the fallen tree until they reach this ancient Gathering place. Countless pawsteps of ancient cats can be seen around The Island, they are historical to the cats of ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan. There is only one tree where the leaders of these respectable Clans can share the news for their Clans; It is the Great Tree where they jump up above all the other cats, where they can all clearly see the four leaders of the four Clans.

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No New Posts Moonpool

The Moonpool is the only place where the Medicine Cats and Leaders come to share tongues with StarClan when its needed. Also, it is the only place where Medicine Cat Apprentices may become full Medicine Cats and get their name. It is located along the WindClan and ThunderClan border but RiverClan and ShadowClan cats must travel alongside the lake and stay along the borderline if they decide to visit StarClan's new home.

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No New Posts Loner Lands

These are the one and only Loner Lands. They are as big as all the Clan's territories put together and are they only place loners can stay in without the fear of being run out by Clan cats. But sometimes Clan Cats may come here and try and recruit any rogues and loners, so be on the lookout. Some great loners may form bands and attack other bands. You may have a Leader and an Heir but no other ranks.

1 6 Eye of the Sun
by ---» Fang
Nov 18, 2010 20:43:17 GMT -5


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No New Posts Advertise

If you have a cool site you want to advertise at Warriors World, come on and post it! Advertise it here instead of in your signature or any other posts you might make. Make sure to describe your site so that it attracts potential members!

Moderator: Admin Account

Sub-boards: First Timers, Link Backs, Affiliate

123 127 Heart of the Forest: a Warriors Roleplay
by Oakley
Jul 24, 2018 9:41:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Guest Chat

This is where guests can chat freely. All rules apply here even though mostly guests post here.

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